Thursday, July 07, 2005

London calling

I'm continually amazed at people. In surfing the internet and watching TV, admittedly not always the best news sources, but sometimes the fastest, I found a dearth of people quoted/talking about how surprising this was and how they were "shocked."

Really? Terrorism in this day and age surprises you? Most of the world is at war with someone else for various reasons, people are dying daily from all sorts of abuse from other people and explosions in London surprise you?

It couldn't be that it's a major metropolitan city, could it? I couldn't be that it's the country hosting one of the world's largest meetings of superpowers right now. Or that they just won the Olympic bid, or that the city's been around for thousands of years, or that it has lots of countries pissed at it for colonization and many other global enemies.

I also dislike how some people assume it was Middle Eastern terrorists. Get over yourself. It very well could be, but it could also be lots of other people that have very different beefs with London. Hell, it could be just a crazy Brit, mad because they lost their job.

Does the media give fair play to all assumptions? (I'm not sure why they're even covering assumptions, instead of watching for cold, hard facts, but I guess they have to have something on the air constantly.)

In listening to the radio this morning (it happened to be on the "Sports Animal," a channel I loathe), the local jocks were saying how atrocious this was (agreed there), and how these "people," these Arab terrorists were all out to get us for our love of freedom (what the Hell?) and how we should stop these people. I'm not sure, but I think they totally convicted the entire Middle East. Made me wonder if they had better sources than the AP or were just their usual jack-ass selves.

The only thing that was kind of curious this morning was the total lack of comment from the Queen or any of the royal family. I know they're just figure heads, but at least they could pop those powerless faces out of their hidy-holes and give a comment.

All that being said, I'm still going back to London. The time I spent there was one of the happiest in my life and I'm totally dragging Pants across the pond to experience it. The city is amazing and resilient, it has to be to have been around for this long. I can't wait!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You know, the IRA has been bombing London for years. When my husband and I went there almost 9 years ago, there were all sorts of bomb alerts, etc. The Londoners certainly weren't all that surprised.