Friday, June 24, 2005

Five Things that Society At large Likes, Yet I Don't Get

No one asked me, but I don't care.

1. El presidente/Cheney/Halliburton - Even though this is the internet, I don't think there's enough room to express my dislike. These are evil monopolizers that America is letting rape the world and butcher it's reputation, or what's left of it.
2. Stupid people reproducing * Why is it so important every time a "star" has a baby? Why do some of the most retarded people feel the need to have as many kids as possible? Should Cheeto-eating, barefoot-in-a-gas-station-bathroom, no-class Brittany be having a child? Probably not. Seriously, she married a guy that cheated on his PREGNANT girlfriend...hello?
3. Certain schools in this state that has the colors of red and white. - Not so much the actual learning institution, just 70% of the people that attended the school and everyone in the state how will defend the school to their death, despite never having stepped foot on the campus. Having been to several of their football games, I saw way too many mullet-wearing fans throw trash, beer, ice and other debris at the opposing team's band members. Class acts.
4. Country music - The sound of our "leader" trying to pronounce the name of a foreign country couldn't disturb me more. It's off-key, flat, disjointed and very rarely makes sense. *Qualifier* I'm only talking about current country, Patsy Cline and Loretta Lynn still rock.
5. Pop-tartletts - People, quit paying attention to these vapid, spoiled brats and they may just go away or waste their fortunes trying to gain your attention back.


Oakman said...

3) I'm glad you didn't say crimson and cream.

Poppy said...

That was deliberate. Red and white are their colors, if they really want to get fancy, they should say maroon and white, because that's what their version of crimson looks like. Which makes me cringe when I see it, because maroon and white are actually the colors of Jenks High School.