Sunday, November 27, 2005

Where have all the monies gone?

Christmas is fast approaching and I find myself watching my money run away just as speedily.

Being poor sucks. Being able to pay all of our bills, but not being able to buy all of the little fun things sucks.

It's so much easier to buy the little things and just be in debt. Happy, but in debt.

A coworker was telling me about a savings account he had for his children's Christmas toys this year. I was so impressed that he'd thought about this so far in advance and had planned it all out. I admire people with strict budgets who actually stick to them.

On the other hand, I've been buying little gifts since last Christmas was over, catching sales here and there, in the hopes that I'd have my shopping done long before Christmas and not have a huge lump sum due because of holiday shopping.

For the most part this has worked pretty well. I do have most of my shopping done, but I keep finding things that would be wonderful to give to people, that I just know that they will love, but I don't have the money to get for them. Furthermore, no one expects me to shell out the money to get them all of these things, but I like to give stuff.

That being said, I did splurge on one gift. Pants will receive it on Christmas and I'll let him brag, if he likes it. I think he will, but I don't know. I'm trying my best to keep it a secret, because he is far too smart and is very likely to guess what it is. I'm going to pull on all of my gifting knowledge to keep it a secret and misdirect him in his guesses, but who knows. The man's a smartie.

It's also weird to get your spouse an expensive gift. Because you share finances, well most spouses do, it's like they've actually bought themselves the gift. Sure, you signed the credit card receipt, but they'll help you pay the bill when it comes. So I'm always tempted to tell Pants not to worry about it and just get me some chocolate or flowers or a small book or something.

Then there's the gift guessing. People that you know, but aren't friends with, people you work with, but don't hang out with, people you've started hanging out with since last Christmas, but don't have a gift history with. What to do? Do you assume and get them something then feel awkward or put them in an awkward place if they didn't get you anything? Do you assume they won't get you anything then feel stupid when they did get you something?

Maybe I should make cookies, everyone likes cookies. Then again, some people are allergic, or don't like raisins.