Friday, June 24, 2005

Five Things that Society At large Likes, Yet I Don't Get

No one asked me, but I don't care.

1. El presidente/Cheney/Halliburton - Even though this is the internet, I don't think there's enough room to express my dislike. These are evil monopolizers that America is letting rape the world and butcher it's reputation, or what's left of it.
2. Stupid people reproducing * Why is it so important every time a "star" has a baby? Why do some of the most retarded people feel the need to have as many kids as possible? Should Cheeto-eating, barefoot-in-a-gas-station-bathroom, no-class Brittany be having a child? Probably not. Seriously, she married a guy that cheated on his PREGNANT girlfriend...hello?
3. Certain schools in this state that has the colors of red and white. - Not so much the actual learning institution, just 70% of the people that attended the school and everyone in the state how will defend the school to their death, despite never having stepped foot on the campus. Having been to several of their football games, I saw way too many mullet-wearing fans throw trash, beer, ice and other debris at the opposing team's band members. Class acts.
4. Country music - The sound of our "leader" trying to pronounce the name of a foreign country couldn't disturb me more. It's off-key, flat, disjointed and very rarely makes sense. *Qualifier* I'm only talking about current country, Patsy Cline and Loretta Lynn still rock.
5. Pop-tartletts - People, quit paying attention to these vapid, spoiled brats and they may just go away or waste their fortunes trying to gain your attention back.

Bless me for I have sneezed

I told Pants I was bored, so he told me to post. I'm talking to myself here anyways, so what the heck, I'll talk about sneezing.

Why does everyone feel the need to acknowledge a sneeze? A co-worker sneezed about five minutes ago and I almost told her "Bless you," but stopped myself. A guy next to her had already said "gazoontite," so I felt she was covered.

It's almost like some kind of insurance policy, but with guilt involved. If you don't say something, will the person that did it be embarrassed or upset that you didn't acknowledge it? Or if you do, will they be offended at you using a religious reference?

I've read that "Bless you" started in the Dark Ages, when it was thought that a sneeze was evil spirits leaving your head through your nose (or entering it, I can't remember). If someone "blessed" you after/while you sneezed, you were somehow, despite the lack of religious qualifications of the person doing the blessing, safe from said evil spirits.

I often say "Bless you" as an automatic response, but, when I can help it, I like to withhold and see how people respond.

I know when I sneeze, I'm hoping it's the evil spirits of allergies leaving me, but they never seem to really go away, despite numerous blessings from others.

Monday, June 20, 2005

My time is the right time

I like to think of my TV time as valuable real estate. I figure that there are all of those advertising people out there being paid way more than I can comprehend, I might as well make them work for it. I consider it a challenge that I lay down every time I pick up the remote. Entertain me.

So, with the attention span of a hummingbird, I switch programs a lot to find something I like. Once I find something, I'll watch it in its entirety. But if I can't find anything on our 900 channels, I punish the TV stations by turning the TV off and finding a project that needs to be done around the house, or I go check the AP wire, cause I'm a bit of a news junkie. With that many channels to choose from and my never-ending penchant for projects, there's always something to do so I don't like to waste time on a program that sucks, like, say, Home Movies and all episodes of Family Guy that aren't centered around Stewie or Bryan.

That being said, I do watch what others would consider very bad television sometimes. Like MTV, a lot. There, now that that's out of the way, we can move on to what I really want to talk about. Cribs. I found myself watching an hour of this today. After watching Ramsey's Kitchen Nightmares (one of my favorite ways to laugh at others who can't cook and get my fill of Brit TV) and because I knew that TRL (one of the shows I detest the most) wasn't on, I thought I'd see what MTV was offering.

Cribs can really run the gamut. Sometimes when I watch it, I feel disgusted at the ways in which rich people waste money. Sometimes, I pick up some really good decorating ideas and sometimes I just watch to see what their kitchens look like. But sometimes it really makes me pity these "stars" and "celebrities." Two things will bring out the pity in me for these people. One, some of them are so detached from the real world and treat others so badly and have so much useless crap that I feel they are just a waste of human. Then again, they are entirely happy to be such retards that I suppose that until they harm someone else and can be caught, they could probably be left alone.

Reason number two is that some of these people think they really are famous when, in reality, Madonna turned Cribs down at the last minute and they needed someone to fill the spot and you'd been emailing them for months trying to get the camera crews to look at your super hot 32-inch TV in your living room.

Seeing these people on TV is just embarrassing. Not the funny, Office-esque way, just embarrassing.

You could tell the girl on today's episode thought she was the shiz-nit. She welcomed the cameras into her apartment ... not mansion, not house, not cool loft, her apartment that looked not unlike one I had in college. Now, had she been trying to be frugal, that's something I could really respect, like the episode on Sean William Scott. He shared an apartment with a friend and didn't want to blow all of his money on things, he was saving. I don't know if that's still his situation, but I applauded his lip service for the TV.

This girl, however, thought she was being so unbelievably cool. We enter her living room, which is smaller than mine and more sparsely decorated. She did have a pair of boxing gloves to prove how "tuff" she was, though. And some beta fish under her coffee table. Moving on to the kitchen, you see her large box of dum-dums. She told the camera she had to have those...insert your own joke here. In the fridge, tons of sugary drinks, including shelves full of something called Crunk. Being a "cracka," I'd never drank the stuff, but she must have stock in it. She explained all of this as proof that she was ghetto.

Into the bedroom, a small bedroom, she shows her bed, dresser and closet that's smaller than mine. Nothing too interesting. But the highlight of the room was the small fridge with the Crunk logo all over it, filled with the drink. I wonder how much they paid her? She also said she slept on top of her covers and sheets, 'cause she's ghetto like that.

At this point, I was starting to avert my eyes.

Having failed to impress the cameras or at home audiences, she decides to take us down the road to her apartment's communal garage. We see that she's bought a purple Bratz bike, because someone told her she looks like one of the dolls. She also had a pretty sweet looking motorcycle, which she fessed up to not knowing how to ride. Then there was the required Mercedes and Escalade. Nothing I haven't seen lawyers drive. Nothing special, no crazy TV or computer screens anywhere. Snorrrreeeee.

Then she shows us where she takes her dogs to go to the bathroom. Seriously? Even I wouldn't do that and anyone who knows me knows how crazy I am about my babies. If you're going to be on TV showing off how "cool" you are or you are pretending to be, don't show your dogs' feces. Please.

I'm no expert, but I do totally read stuff and after watching an entire half hour of her house and having her talk, I still don't know who this girl was supposed to be or what she's done.

The next part of the show featured the head hancho of Rocafella records. Now here's a segment I can respect. This guy knew how to play to the cameras. He had several well-known people call his phone and leave funny messages, so he could play them back for MTV and people would know that he knows and hangs with these people. This makes sense. He's got a kitchen full of chefs and a pool full of 15-year-olds in bikinis. Did I mention that his pad was in England? This guy knew how Cribs worked.

So, if you're not famous, don't go on Cribs. Going on Cribs won't make you famous, so do something first and if you have a sucky place or a place that's smaller than one that I, someone making a fraction of what you spend at Louis Vuitton, can afford, don't waste our valuable TV time!

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Damn music

Because my husband said so, and he's totally buying me a new purse.

Total volume of music files on my computer
-- Dunno, but I saw that I've almost filled my iPod up the other day, that was a scary thought.

The last CD I bought was -- Devils in the Dust, Bruce Springsteen, although, read below, it sucked.

Song playing right now -- Hollaback Girl, Gwen Stefani, the "good" version.

Eight ( I had to add some) songs I listen to a lot, or that mean a lot to me
-- For some reason, my fairly new iPod doesn't have a top played list, so I just went to my favorite stuff playlist for goodies.

1. Playing with Pink Noise - Kaki King. Good stuff, acoustic guitar rocking out in ways I've never dreamed of, until now.
2. Interstate Love Song - The Stone Temple Pilots. Possibly one of my all-time favorite songs ever. Takes me back to middle school/early high school.
3. Take Your Mamma - The Scissor Sisters. Because it's awesome, and they do a wicked cover of Pink Floyd.
4. Dead Leaves and the Dirty Ground - The White Stripes. The song that made me fall in love with the White Stripes.
5. Rich - The Yeah, Yeah, Yeahs. I'm also a huge fan of "Maps" and Karen O in general.
6. Little Wing - Stevie Ray Vaughan. This song relaxes me like nothing else and is an instant upper. Makes me feel slinky. Yeah, I said it, slinky.
7. Fever - Michael Buble. It's not Sinatra, but it's close.
8. Got your Money - Ol Dirty Bastard. Yes, I know I'm the whitest thing next to bread, but I love this song, makes me feel like I'm back in that London bar dancing on the table.

Five people to whom I am passing the baton
I don't know anyone, besides my husband and, I guess, myself, that would actually do this, five people, not even one, so there!