Friday, April 22, 2005

My husband is the funniest man ever, except when he's not, which isn't often.

We've been married for a year and two months. Despite only seeing each other for a couple of hours a few times a week, the laughter has yet to cease and I feverently hope it will always be so.

Dog hiker

Our Boston terror doesn't like her leash.

She's been on it probably seven or eight times. This is my fault. Like a little kid, I begged and pleaded to get another dog, swearing that I'd take care of it and feed it and train it and it'd be the bestest dog ever. Well, we got her and so far I've only taught her to sit and jump in my arms.

I have not enrolled her in obedience classes as I should have, I have not been working with her to get her used to a leash or to lay down, as I totally should have. She's just so cute! I just want to play with her, but I'm going to have to train myself to be a better owner. As with most dogs, it's not her fault she's untrained, it's mine.

However, I digress. My point was that she hates the leash and makes me laugh a lot. When she and my husband are combined, they provide a potent combination of hilarity that is hard to resist.

Our old dog, a pointer mix, LOVES to walk, could care less about being on a leash, as long as it means she will end up outside or meeting new people. Because she loves to walk (well she loves to run, I walk at best) and I feel guilty for spending so much time with the puppy, I try to take her for walks, so we can spend some time together and I can work off some pounds.

On a rare, shared night off, Pants and I took both dogs for a walk. I had tried this the day before with a friend, she holding the pointer mix, and me "walking" the Boston. Not so much. She (the Boston) freaked out and I ended up carrying her the entire way. Like carrying a sack of flour. That and she squirmed in my arms until she could see the pointer at all times, while she was being carried. She's not spoiled...really.

So when Pants decided to bring her the next day, I was sceptical, but we grabbed the leashes and ventured out anyway. I had the pointer, lucky me! Pants was fast realizing I wasn't kidding about our BT freaking out. Once she realized she wouldn't be carried, she started jumping as high as she could and throwing herself in different directions, any direction but forward. We stopped, made sure she wasn't really hurt and continued. When she'd take a few good steps, we'd offer her a biscuit, which she pouted at and rejected.

With no food to help us, we tried using the older dog as bait. Much like a little sibling of any species, the BT LOVES her older sister and tries to emulate whatever she does. I tried running ahead of Pants and the BT, letting her see that some dogs really DO enjoy being outside and minding their owners.

When that didn't work, we tried switching places. This only caused her to run around Pants in circles. Once she was behind him, she would try running up his backside. Seriously. She would hop up and make it to his hips before aimming at his butt and lower back. He'd usually turn around at this point and she'd fall. The whole time she's playing Tensing Norgay, she's making this high-pitched growl ... I've never seen her that angry! I laughed so hard I cried.

Things that go bump in the night

I know he's already talked on this subject, but I find it pretty funny so I'll rehash it. Because of our opposite schedules, I often go to bed four or five hours after Pants. This means he's almost REMing or is already there. Usually, but not always, he's talking in his sleep.

Once, he told me that no one would ever really love me. I knew he wasn't really talking to me, but it was pretty funny. Last week, I came to bed and he mumbled something and I asked him what he was talking about. He told me, "Complete cirlces." And then went on to explain, in a very lucid manner, how this was a form of the star of David and something something. I really thought he had woke himself up, as he often does when he is talking. The next morning, he let it be known that he was asleep at the time and did know what he was talking about but it was complicated and he wasn't going to explain it.

I have my sleeping quarks, I've been known to hog the bed, covers, sheets, pillows etc. Occaisionally I'll mumble some. But I've never played video games.

That's right. He got Donkey Konga and has become a master at it in his waking and sleeping hours. I came to bed one night and all was quiet for a few minutes then I heard a tapping. He was patting his hand on his thigh in a rhythm. When asked what he was doing, he told me "Konga....Donkey Konga." After a little more of this he quit. The entire time I was laughing so hard, but in order not to really wake him, I had to stiffle it and ended up shaking the bed violently with my laughter.

I relate all of this because my husband makes me laugh. Sometimes he wakes up while he's doing something funny and continues so that I will laugh harder. Sometimes it's the things he says, sometimes, it's just spending time with him that makes me so happy that I laugh with joy. I highly recommend being married to the one that makes you laugh and love the best.


Brit said...

When I first got Gus, and I was trying to "teach" him to walk on a leash, he'd do the same think Tink is doing - buck up and down, back and forth, like a little bronco, as though he was being arrested or something. I read a lot about this and the "experts" say that eventually they just stop. I don't remember what happened with Gus, how I got that behavior to stop, but how, when he sees his leash, he bucks around and up and down in excitement, because leash=walk and walk=outside, and outside=lots of places to pee and sniff and roll around in. However, he knows that the leash doesn't go on until he chills out, and within about 30 seconds, he settles down on his own, and without even a command, he'll sit very still so I can hook the leash on. He's a good boy.

By the way, your husband makes me laugh too. We're so lucky to have such wonderful people in our lives.

Dr. Pants said...

The other day, when we took Tink to the vet with Macy, she was freaking out as we left (wearing the leash). Her solution was to run up Poppy's back and kick off, still on the leash, which flopped her down right on her back.

That dog is so weird. She's also on my lap as I type this.