Thursday, December 01, 2005

Things I have been called today

1. Not a person.
2. Ugly
3. Damaged goods (for marrying Pants.)


Dr. Pants said...

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you: my wife.

She was called "not a person" as a slip of the tongue from a friend. She was called "ugly" when I sarcastically repeated the "not a person" remark with a different adjective to prove how unintentionally insulting it had been.

The "damaged goods" thing is, at least partly, true. I mean, can anyone survive me?

Poppy's life is so good that she has to pretend to take offense at fake insults. It's a rough life she leads.

Anonymous said...

oh boy, alliteration! pity party for poppy

Anonymous said...

Poppy, I promise it wasn't on purpose. (More alliteration)